ITC is a partner in the European Marie Curie Initial Training Network “CHANGES”. The CHANGES network will develop an advanced understanding of how global changes (related to environmental and climate change as well as socio-economical change) will affect the temporal and spatial patterns of hydro-meteorological hazards and associated risks in Europe; how these changes can be assessed, modelled, and incorporated in sustainable risk management strategies, focusing on spatial planning, emergency preparedness and risk communication.
One of the main components of the project is the development of a Web-based Spatial Decision support System to analyze the effect of risk reduction planning alternatives on reducing the risk now and in the future, and support decision makers in selecting the best alternatives. ITC is responsible for the development of the data analysis modules within the SDSS.
Brief description:
- Responsible for the development of data analysis modules which would finally lead to Risk Assessment (RA) module of the SDSS (most probably to be based on Open Source GIS software ILWIS)
- Development of interactive real-time components for risk calculation and generation of vulnerability curves
- Explore the GIS processing modules of ILWIS (most probably to link and run on the web)
- Development of the interface for RA module
- Need to closely work together with other ESRs in development team
- Strong object oriented programming background (e.g. C++, Python)
- Strong experience in working with open source GIS software and their built-in functionalities
- Experiences in working with relational database such as Postgres and PostGIS with SQL.
- Good knowledge in risk assessment and web programming
ITC is looking for someone with:
- an MSc in informatics/ computer sciences/ geoinformatics
- good programming skills
- less than 5 years experience (received your first MSc less than 5 years ago).
- a willingness to travel as the selected researchers will be meeting frequently and will spend about 30% of their time with one of the other project partners in Europe.
- the ability to work in a team, as the development of the SDSS is a team effort.
The starting date is 1 July 2013 and the positions are for 18 months until 31 Dec 2014.
If you are interested, check this document for more details CHANGES 5 ESR vacancy announcement and contact Cees van Westen ()
Website: or
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