The UI for the Arctic Sea settings project has 2 goals. The first goal is to create a REST API on top of the Faroe API, which can eventually be used for performing CRUD operations. The second one is to create a Web frontend using JavaScript or any framework of JavaScript (e.g., Angular/React) to perform CRUD operations on the JSON settings file.
I completed the first goal during the project’s first phase. The next half of the project consists of creating a UI frontend for the Arctic Sea Settings to create, update and delete them using the REST APIs.
Completed Objectives
The first half of the project’s objective was to create a REST API that would perform the GET operation over the Service Settings data. I have designed a REST API that is able to fetch the data from a .JSON format according to our requirements. For example – if we request the file by sending parameters containing a specific group, then only the settings related to that group would be retrieved and shown dynamically.
The API modeling is be as below –
– /settings/groups -> links to all group’s endpoints.
– /settings/groups/service-provider -> links to settings for service-provider group.
Objectives for Final Evaluation
The second objective is to design a UI frontend using any JavaScript library and to render files over it to perform CRUD operations. I will be using the implemented REST API to perform operations like Create, Read, Update and Delete over the saved .JSON files. Currently there is no easy way to perform operations over the .JSON files so I’ll make sure that the implemented UI is easy to use and extensible as well.
I am planning to make a specific tab for every group so that one can switch between the groups and perform CRUD operations over all the settings. An optional approach for implementing this would be to provide an EDIT button at the end/top so that the form for changing settings can be further editable.
Below is an example from the 52°North SOS project. The UI will be similar.
Closing Remarks
In the last meeting after the Midterm evaluation, we discussed that I can use any JavaScript Framework for implementing the UI, so I would like to go ahead with ReactJS. With the help of ReactJS, I would make the calls to the REST API and further perform operations over the desired data.
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