I’m happy to announce that a comprehensive review article on the current design of the Sensor Web Enablement specification framework (‘SWE 2.0’) and on Sensor Web research in general has just been published by the journal ‘sensors’!
The article describes much of the work that has been developed within OGC’s SWE group in the past years and can now be seen under the umbrella of a ‘New Generation SWE’ (or SWE 2.0).
In a nutshell, the article comprises:
- a description of related work on Sensor Web research (e.g. a comparision of the Sensor Web to the ‘Web of Things‘)
- a detailed analysis of the changes which have been made to evolve SWE 1.0 to SWE 2.0
- a list of past/on-going projects utilizing SWE
- a description of a case study of a SWE infrastructure for a hydrological sensor network (see image below)
- challenges as well as future work on SWE, such as research on the Human Sensor Web, the Semantic Sensor Web, or Linked Sensor Data
You can download this open access article here: http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/11/3/2652/
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