My project deals with the enviroCar Android application. The application connects with your car through an OBD bluetooth adapter and measures CO2 emission, fuel consumption, engine load and several other parameters. The parameters, such as CO2 emission and speed, are plotted in a chart against all the users who also use the enviroCar application. This helps to decide how ‘sustainable’ a driver you are (as shown in the image below). The data collected for a city can be used for showing CO2 hot spots in that city.

The most important areas that I will be working on this summer on the app are:
- Localization of the app: Currently the app is only available in the English language with metric measurements (km, liter etc.) and imperial units of measurement (mph for speed etc.). The task is to make it available across the major regions, languages and units of measures. Since the unit of measures used across different regions varies greatly, localizing in terms of both language and units will be a challenging feature of this project.
- UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) changes: There are some new features that I have proposed to introduce, among which are
– “My Profile” section in the app, which is available on the enviroCar site,
– to find the most sustainable driver in the city, which will introduce some gamification in the app,
– and to be able to compare your values with your friends.
There are also some UI and UX changes which will make the app more friendly to use. - Prominent bug fixes: There are some high priority bugs on the github issue tracker which need immediate attention and also some bugs that I have noticed in the app. So fixing these will also be a high priority task.
About Me
I am Rahul Raja, a final year student of Computer Science and Engineering from Vellore Institute Of Technology, Vellore, India. I am an Android developer at heart, but work on both web and Android out of passion. I will keep all my development aligned with my GitHub page. Here is the beehance page regrading the UI updates for this project
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