Muenster says adieu and thanks to the FOSSGIS Conference 2015!
A month ago, the Muenster castle and the Insitute for Geoinformatics hosted the FOSSGIS Conference 2015. For three days the “who is who” of the German speaking FOSSGIS scene met to discuss current hot topics, demonstrate practical open source solutions and introduce newcomers to FOSSGIS. More than 450 participants from academia, business and administration attended presentations, workshops and user meetings.
Many helping hands made the conference a success. The video team and its helpers provided live video streams of the 70 plus presentations and user meetings. Check out the recordings here.The local team’s angels kept things running smoothly – organizationally, technically and logistically.
Next year’s FOSSGIS will take place at the University of Salzburg together with the AGIT.
Conference homepage:
Video download:
Twitter: #FOSSGIS
Website FOSSGIS-Verein:
A few impressions…

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