Both these editors have been significantly changed. This was a side effect of having changed the drawing system of Ilwis. The way the old editors worked could not maintained in the new system and so I had to redesign them from ground up. This proved to be a more time consuming job then I had anticipated. Particulary in the segment editor there were so many states and state transistions to be reckoned with that I sometimes had trouble determining the right course of action. Anyway, I think I now have a working editor for both pointmaps and segment maps.
Both editors are now simply display tools, just like any other display tool and they can be found in the context menu of the display options (default it is off).
Select the the item and a new node is added to the tree looking like:
Fairly identical to the “old” button bar. Maybe a bit more understandable as I found the “old” icons always a bit vague. The layer (for which you opened the editor) is seemingly unchanged. When you select a segment, be it for a direct select or for moving/spliting etc.. The nodes of the segment become visible like:
Nodes can moved, deleted, inserted just like the old editor. When inserting a new line, you stop the line by pressing enter. In the insert mode, clicking in the middle of the segment will insert a point at that point; clicking at one the ends will extend the line(and you can add more points).
Snapping has now a big brother. You can indicate that after stopping a line it will automatically close how large the distance between both ends may be (so an auto-close).
A big change is how values are added/changed for the segments. All is now controlled by the layer info on the bottom left side. When in edit mode, the fields (not coordinates) are editable. See for example below
Also the fields of any attached attribute tables are editable.
Line and point editor work fairly identical ( point editor is of course little bit simpeler). One extra option in the point editor is though that you can double click on a point and enter exact coordinate when clicking on the map is not sufficient. Maybe I will implement this also for the nodes of the segment editor but it is not there yet.
I feel that the editors are fairly basic ( but that was also true in the old version) but as usual it is a compromise between time and functionality.
Grazi for mkaing it nice and EZ.