Recently 52°North has conducted a project together with the Information Technology Service Centre of the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development at the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (DLZ-IT BMVBS). The goal was to analyse the feasibility of using Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) components for integrating near real-time ship tracking data into spatial data infrastructures.
WPS and Artifical Neuronal Networks
We often get asked about why our WPS can’t a show how long a process would take. This task is not trivial, in fact it is quite challenging to determine in advance or at runtime how long a specific process will take. Many factors have to be taken into account such as the server load, the process itself, the inputdata etc.
One idea would be to utilize Artifical Neuronal Networks (ANN) to train a WPS. This might be a good starting point for a M. Sc. thesis. If you are interested in this topic, please contact Bastian Schäffer b.schaeffer A/T
Continuous Integration
Since the 52°North WPS Project is getting bigger and bigger, a continuous integration mechanism was added.
Whenever a new line of code is added to the repository or an old one is modified, the whole project is automatically compiled. Besides, the project is also build on a regular basis every night.
The results are directly send to the commits-mailinglist.
Visual results can be found here.
52°North OpenLayers Client with dynamic WFS Support
Ever been confronted with the problem, that you have a nice OpenLayers client but no way to visualize datasets besides the already listed?
The 52°North OpenLayers extensions allows now the dynmically visualizing of OGC WFS datasets. Try a live demo here:
You can simply add a WFS URL and select the FeatureType to be displayed. Besides, with the WPS extension in the same client, you can also process the data.
This a major step forward towards a real WEB GIS.