The 52°North WPS implementation shares one important property with the specification – it is very flexible and can be used for many different use cases. A number of parties contribute, which results in a number of active development branches for code. We will present a selection in blog posts over the next few months.
Spacebel takes the 52°North WPS to space.
Their extensions target the requirements of satellite data processing with service oriented architectures for a future proof and flexible infrastructure. A processing on-demand WPS extension allows the user to dynamically deploy and un-deploy processes, as well as auxiliary data, steer the execution of processes, monitor/audit the executed processes, download processing results, and discover processes and workflows.
These features are developed to support the Heterogeneous Missions Accessiblity (HMA) on-demand processing scenario [1], in which earth observation (EO) data shall be processed. This is mostly satellite data and therefore comes with a few challenges, most importantly, the sheer size of the data. The volumes are so large that this will never work without processing power close to the data (no remote internet access) and a parallel processing infrastructure, such as a Grid Computing or Cloud environment. This way, an analyst/a scientist must not run his own processing facilities, but can remotely start and control processes. Overhead for data transfer are also minimized. Such a framework additionally allows users of the processing chains to share deployed processes.
Moreover, these developments allow more >