The core idea of my GSoC 2017 project “Simple Features for protobuf and others” is to define and implement a serialization API for spatial vector data, which will transparently serialize geometries based on the Simple Feature specification using Protobuf into binary encoding. The Simple Feature Access Specification is a common standard that is widely used in geoinformatics for exchanging spatial features. This serialization API also supports decoding serialized binary data into prefered output models such as JTS and others. Protocol Buffers is used as the primary serialization framework. Other serialization frameworks, such as Avro, are being considered as well. I am currently implementing serializing support for raster data into the API, where it will utilize raster data formats, such as GeoTIFF, and modeling libraries, such as GeoTools.ommon standard that is widely used in geoinformatics for exchanging spatial features. This serialization API also supports decoding serialized binary data into prefered output models such as JTS and others. Protocol Buffers is used as the primary serialization framework. Other serialization frameworks, such as Avro, are being considered as well. I am currently implementing serializing support for raster data into the API, where it will utilize raster data formats, such as GeoTIFF, and modeling libraries, such as GeoTools.