This week the Tenth Plenary Session of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO-X) and the 2014 Ministerial GEO Summit take place in Geneva (Switzerland). 52°North is present at this event with two of its European FP7 projects.
The GeoViQua project holds its final event in Geneva and presents its achievements with a dedicated booth. The results shown at GEO-X comprise new data models and visualisation components for geospatial data quality, which were demonstrated with the GEOSS Geoportal. Visitors of the GeoViQua booth can enjoy an oversized illuminated version of the most prominent visualisation for data quality – the GEO label (see image). It displays the availability of metadata elements in an intuitive and visual way, thereby facilitating data discovery. In addition to visualisation, the GeoViQua team presented a user feedback system that fulfils the requirements of different user levels and geospatial data specifics. To make this all possible, many existing standards and practices, such as ISO 19115/139/157, WMS, SOS, KML and more were extended or profiles were created. All of these are published as live demos and are compatible or already integrated with the existing GEOSS Common Infrastructure.

The European Commission booth also has a presentation of the GEOWOW project. Visitors of the GEOWOW presentation can get an impression how 52°North has worked together with partners, such as the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC)/ German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), University of Bonn, KISTERS, and CNR to develop solutions for facilitating the interoperable sharing of hydrological data across borders. The showcase presented in Geneva comprises river discharge data sets from the GRDC (observation data) and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) (prediction model outputs) that are offered through SOS servers. These data sets are integrated in an instance of the GEOSS Discovery and Access Broker of CNR and are visualized through the 52°North Sensor Web Client.

The US Geneva Mission provided a great overview video of GEO and the GEO-X event, including a brief moment with the GEO label poster: