Monday and Tuesday, Arne attended the ESONET workhop in Marseille. Together with Dan Toma, Joaquin del Rio (both from SARTI) and Tom O’Reilly (from MBARI), we gave a demo to show the interplay of the PUCK protocol and our Sensor Interface Descriptors (SID) to establish a plug and play of sensors.
Sensor Interface Descriptors @ PESOS Workshop
Last Monday, Arne went to Hamburg to attend the 2nd PESOS workshop and gave a talk about our Sensor Interface Descriptor (SID) developments. The workshop participants were primarily sensor technology manufacturers and vendors as well as researchers from that domain. The workshop aimed at initializing a discussion of how SID can be reasonably combined with other standards such as IEEE 1451 and the emerging PUCK protocol. The overall goal for the participants is to elaborate a concept for plug & play of marine sensors. The figure below sketches how the 3 discussed technologies could work together to enable an on the fly integration of sensors with the Sensor Web.
Our Experiments with GRASS and WPS are going well.
As a little Christmas gift, we will prepare a new Release (52n WPS 2.0 RC-6) before Christmas.
It will contain a connector to GRASS which allows the out-of-the-box use of GRASS Functions as WPS Processes. No programming will be needed.
Continuous Integration
Since the 52°North WPS Project is getting bigger and bigger, a continuous integration mechanism was added.
Whenever a new line of code is added to the repository or an old one is modified, the whole project is automatically compiled. Besides, the project is also build on a regular basis every night.
The results are directly send to the commits-mailinglist.
Visual results can be found here.