My experience with the GSoC 2017 project “Simple Features for Protobuf and others” came to an end by presenting my results at the Geospatial Sensor Webs Conference 2017. It was really pleasing to see that a majority of the audience was really interested in the project outcome and eager to see it progress in the future.more >
Simple Features for protobuf and others – Mid Term Blog Post
The core idea of my GSoC 2017 project “Simple Features for protobuf and others” is to define and implement a serialization API for spatial vector data, which will transparently serialize geometries based on the Simple Feature specification using Protobuf into binary encoding. The Simple Feature Access Specification is a common standard that is widely used in geoinformatics for exchanging spatial features. This serialization API also supports decoding serialized binary data into prefered output models such as JTS and others. Protocol Buffers is used as the primary serialization framework. Other serialization frameworks, such as Avro, are being considered as well. I am currently implementing serializing support for raster data into the API, where it will utilize raster data formats, such as GeoTIFF, and modeling libraries, such as GeoTools.ommon standard that is widely used in geoinformatics for exchanging spatial features. This serialization API also supports decoding serialized binary data into prefered output models such as JTS and others. Protocol Buffers is used as the primary serialization framework. Other serialization frameworks, such as Avro, are being considered as well. I am currently implementing serializing support for raster data into the API, where it will utilize raster data formats, such as GeoTIFF, and modeling libraries, such as GeoTools.
Welcome Google Summer of Code 2014 Students!
52°North is pleased to welcome the following students to work with us closely this summer on five Google Summer of Code projects!
- Sensor Data Access for Rasdaman, Simona Badoiu (Romania)
- Using the ILWIS framework for geo-data capture with a mobile application, Bouke Pieter Ottow (Netherlands)
- Proposal for Access Control User Interface for SOS Servers, Dushyant Sabharwal (India)
- enviroCar App UX Design, Rahul Raja (India)
52°North Goes GitHub
In the early 52°North days, we managed our source code on a public open source platform: SourceForge. We started with CVS (classic!), switched to SVN (wow, I can delete folders!) and after a while we decided to host all 52°North related source code in our own IT environment. However, keeping an eye on what was going in the VCS world, we felt that this approach was outdated and started to look into Git and GitHub. This initiative was mainly driven by 52°North staff developers’ curiosity and the promise of a better development work flow. We found GitHub provided very easy collaboration, communication and outreach dedicated to source code and very much in line with the 52°North philosophy. After a few test runs, we started to migrate the first of our active software projects to GitHub.
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