As reported earlier, we have implemented an SOS extension for ArcGIS Server as a so-called Server Object Extension (SOE). We have developed this software for the European Environment Agency (EEA) and in support of ESRI Inc.
The ArcGIS Server SOS Extension is compliant with the Sensor Observation Service (SOS) 2.0 standard defined by OGC. Additionally, the SOE provides a new REST interface to sensor resources which complies to the Geoservices REST API developed by ESRI, which is currently going through the standardization process at OGC.
More details on this development (e.g., demo, download link, SVN access, installation instructions, etc.) can be found on the project’s website.
In a recently published interview, Peter Kjeld (EEA), Satish Sankaran (ESRI), and Andreas Wytzisk (52°North) explain this mutual development and further plans with this software.
A detailed illustration of the functionality of the ArcGIS SOS extension is provided by the following screencast: