smle /ˈsmaɪ.li/ is one of 52°North’s new developments. It is a SensorML editor based on TypeScript and Angular 2. The implementation of this editor started earlier this year within the projects NeXOS and FixO3. The idea of the Google Summer of Code activity is to enrich the editor with further functionality and input fields.
After the one month of development in this GSoC project, we can see the progress and can give an insight into the current state of development. The introductory blog post with the plans for all the summer can be found here.more >
Usability improvements for smle
smle /ˈsmaɪ.li/ is one of 52°North’s new developments. It is based on TypeScript and Angular 2 and enables web-based editing of SensorML descriptions. The implementation of this editor started earlier this year within the context of the projects NeXOS and FixO3. The idea of the Google Summer of Code activity is to enrich the editor with further functionality and to improve the usability in some aspects.more >
Welcome Google Summer of Code 2016 Students!
52°North is pleased to welcome the following students to work closely with us this summer on 3 Google Summer of Code projects!
- “Terrain Model Generation and Analysis” – Adhitya Kamakshidasan (India)
- “Usability improvements for smle” – Aleksandr Shevchenko (Russia)
- “Visual Analytics of enviroCar Tracks” – Naveen Jafer (India)