Recently 52°North has conducted a project together with the Information Technology Service Centre of the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development at the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (DLZ-IT BMVBS). The goal was to analyse the feasibility of using Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) components for integrating near real-time ship tracking data into spatial data infrastructures.
WPS and Artifical Neuronal Networks
We often get asked about why our WPS can’t a show how long a process would take. This task is not trivial, in fact it is quite challenging to determine in advance or at runtime how long a specific process will take. Many factors have to be taken into account such as the server load, the process itself, the inputdata etc.
One idea would be to utilize Artifical Neuronal Networks (ANN) to train a WPS. This might be a good starting point for a M. Sc. thesis. If you are interested in this topic, please contact Bastian Schäffer b.schaeffer A/T
Demonstrated True Plug & Play of Marine Sensors @ ESONET Workshop
Monday and Tuesday, Arne attended the ESONET workhop in Marseille. Together with Dan Toma, Joaquin del Rio (both from SARTI) and Tom O’Reilly (from MBARI), we gave a demo to show the interplay of the PUCK protocol and our Sensor Interface Descriptors (SID) to establish a plug and play of sensors.
Sensor Interface Descriptors @ PESOS Workshop
Last Monday, Arne went to Hamburg to attend the 2nd PESOS workshop and gave a talk about our Sensor Interface Descriptor (SID) developments. The workshop participants were primarily sensor technology manufacturers and vendors as well as researchers from that domain. The workshop aimed at initializing a discussion of how SID can be reasonably combined with other standards such as IEEE 1451 and the emerging PUCK protocol. The overall goal for the participants is to elaborate a concept for plug & play of marine sensors. The figure below sketches how the 3 discussed technologies could work together to enable an on the fly integration of sensors with the Sensor Web.