I am happy to announce, that we made it with two of our projects on the latest version of the OSGeo Live DVD.
After successful participation in previous testbeds, 52North participates in the OGC OWS-8 Testbed, as well. A Web Processing Service (WPS) tailored for Earth Observation (EO) needs is going to be developed. The 52North WPS builds the basis for the EO related adjustments. Expected outcomes are different EO algorithms and WPS-EO profiles. Best practices for transferring and processing large EO datasets will be also created and will be used to improve the underlying 52North WPS framework. A particular focus is put on combining NASA and ESA EO datasets in an on-demand processing fashion. A WCPS extension to the 52North WPS will be also implemented.
The Kickoff is currently held, the agenda packed and we are looking for fruitful outcomes.
Survey Article on Current State of Sensor Web Enablement (SWE 2.0)
I’m happy to announce that a comprehensive review article on the current design of the Sensor Web Enablement specification framework (‘SWE 2.0’) and on Sensor Web research in general has just been published by the journal ‘sensors’!
The article describes much of the work that has been developed within OGC’s SWE group in the past years and can now be seen under the umbrella of a ‘New Generation SWE’ (or SWE 2.0).
52°North @ Agile 2011
52°North partners actively participate at the upcoming AGILE 2011 with the following activities.
- Workshop on Testbed Research: Testing Geospatial Web Services / Persistent Testbed (PTB) at AGILE 2011.
- Integrating Sensor Web and Web-based Geoprocessing.
- GI Research Instruction mixing open source and proprietary tools.
- RESTful Web Processing Service
- The SID Creator: A Visual Approach for Integrating Sensors with the Sensor Web.
- Connecting R to the Sensor Web.
- Qualitative Spatio-temporal Reasoning from Mobile Sensor Data using Qualitative Trigonometry.
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