Atrai Bikes is revolutionizing urban safety and sustainability through an innovative senseBox:bike that captures environmental and traffic data. This citizen science initiative equips participants with tools to measure fine dust levels, temperature, and humidity while utilizing AI to predict vehicle passing maneuvers and road surfaces. A recent workshop brought Atrai Bikes to life, where participants were handed a senseBox:bike and guided through the setup of both the hardware and companion app. 52°North accompanied this workshop held in Germany’s unofficial biking capital city Münster with their project partners re:edu, also located in Münster, and Instituto Cordial from Brazil.
Integrating LoRaWAN Sensors with the OGC SensorWeb
In this year’s Student Innovation Challenge held by 52°North, I participated with a software project aiming to extend the open sensor web with a new way to transmit sensor observations. The 8-week challenge under the topic ‘Bridging IoT and Sensor Web Applications’ enabled me to deepen my knowledge on LoRaWAN connected sensors while contributing to the Sensor Web community. My project’s deliverable is an integration between TheThingsNetwork and the OGC SensorWeb, adding the missing component to a full open source stack for LoRaWAN connected sensing platforms.more >
AirQuality SenseBox at EGU2013
We have been invited to present our experiences with the AirQuality SenseBox at EGU 2013, Vienna. If you are at EGU and interested, feel free to join session GI3.5 in room G1 this afternoon from 15:30 to 17:00.
Meet the AirQuality SenseBox at AirMonTech
We will appear at AirMonTech Workshop / Conference in Duisburg [GER] from March 04 to March 06 and present our AirQuality SenseBox project. Check out our poster below…